A Day with Me 🙂  It was actually Monday.
Each week is scheduled, but not ever typical. I thought to give you a glimpse of life as a YWAM Ships DTS missionary, I would show you in pictures. This is life and not all the life can be seen through pictures. A LOT of life and love happens between the clicks of the camera. I do know that pictures are are worth a thousand words, so instead of using 1000 words like normal, I will show you life in pics.
Normally Monday mornings are filled with corporate worship before class, but this day I picked up a group of students from the airport and then stopped at Target to get a Lei. Each week we have a new speaker and as a mark of honor and welcome we present a lei to them.
I arrived at the classroom a bit before everyone else and realized that all the doors were locked. No worries, we shall just reach through the slats and unlock from the inside 😉
We are in week 7 of DTS lecture phase and the topic of the week is Identity and Calling. These past four days we have hit identity hard and Jo Mutch is so amazing and walks in so much authority in the area!! It’s been a beautiful week. Anywho this is day one
When class ends I have time with each of my one-on-ones. I meet with one each day Monday-Thursday. I have four amazing young women that I have been walking alongside these past few weeks and process everything that happens each week. Some days are hard, some are really fun. Some are full of tears and some are full of joy and lighthearted. Each are worth my time, attention, and heart. After, we have a staff meeting and spend some time together going over the coming week.
Within the day I continue working on logistics and details for my team as we prepare for Papua New Guinea. Did I tell you I am leading an outreach team to PNG?? I totally am and they are totally amazing!!
This seems like a copy cat photo, but within the planning and logistics, I also oversee the budget for the school. It’s a total area of growth and has stretched me in many ways, but it has been a really good habit to learn to keep track of all our purchases and make sure they are falling in line with the budget. It is never to late to learn to steward the finances well.
We have amazing speakers y’all!! As a thank you for coming and spending several days and multiple free times imparting and filling students and staff, we like to share a small gift with them. I hopped to a couple of different places to pick up some little gifts for them. I love hospitality and the love language of gifts is one of my favorites
Before I head home, I stop for a couple of essentials since it was payday week! Also on a side note I have had the amazing gift of sharing a car while my friends, who own it, are on the mainland. It has been true, true gift to be able to get things done over this past month and share time and church with my students through the use of the car.
Monday nights we join with the majority of the upper campus DTS’s and have ministry night. It’s two hours of worship and intercession and as the holy spirit leads the leaders follow. This is the view from the upper level and as you can see it is always quite full.
This Sunday our whole school will be heading to the north part of the island to a park area called Kalopa. We will be there for three days. Please be in prayer with me over our crew. For protection, energy, and good times of rest, but mostly for wisdom for each of the staff and that lies and strongholds will continue to be removed and breakthrough will come. It’s gonna be a good week and I am excited and expectant for the many ways that Holy Spirit is gonna move!!
and thank you for joining me for the day!
 Read the original newsletter here
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(252) 675-2371