Bill & Connie Bennot

BennotsBill and Connie began full-time Christian ministry in 1981. Up until 1986, Bill and Connie pioneered and led campuses churches in California, Arizona and New Mexico. During this time Bill hosted a radio program called “Youth with a Destiny” and co-hosted a television show called, “Young Reformer.” Besides ministering on university campuses throughout the Western United States, Bill began traveling into various African countries in 1982. Then in 1987 Bill and Connie moved to Johannesburg, South Africa. They pioneered the His People Christian Church which grew to a couple thousand, and became an apostolic base for church planting in Africa. Over the next 18 years Bill and Connie worked with leaders and teams to plant churches and campus ministries in every major city in South Africa. He also served leaders and churches in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Botswana, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast.

In 2005 Bill and Connie established a second base in Nashville, Tennessee, while simultaneously moving their African base to Cape Town, South Africa. Over the next 5 years they served multiple churches and leaders in Africa and the United States; their focuses being revival, reformation and cultural transformation. From 2007-2009 they led the 7000 member His People Church in Cape Town, South Africa.

Bill and Connie are currently pioneering a leadership alliance called BMosaic. BMosaic is a gathering of Jesus-centered, relationally-connected and kingdom-minded leaders who are partnering together for the purpose of bringing the glory of His kingdom everywhere. They are also currently launching a new church in Cape Town called Journey of Grace.

Bill holds a Masters degree in organizational leadership and a Doctorate in strategic leadership. His wife, Connie is the founder and director of Redemptive Solutions, a Christian counseling practice. Bill’s apostolic ministry and Connie’s prophetic ministry are teaming together with a diversity of leaders throughout the body of Christ to release heaven on earth. They have three sons, Ben, Adam, and Ethan, and one daughter, Melody.

If you’d like to make a contribution to the Bennot’s ministry in South Africa, you can do so right here.

A Message from Our President

"Throughout my experiences in traveling to other countries as a pastor, I have recognized a common trend that exists among various ministries and missionaries. This trend is one of potential opportunity to impact the nations, yet the necessary resources are not always available to seize these moments. In an effort to address this challenge, Global Impact Resources was established as a resource-gathering agent for missionaries and ministries." - Mike Williams

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