June Update

June Update

Summer is here… wow 2017 is flying by! I hope you are doing well. We are in full-on transition mode to the Raleigh-Durham area, along with my new role with Burn 24-7. By the end of the summer we expect to be settled into a new home and my new ministry work. Have...
Lilley Family Newsletter March & April 2017

Lilley Family Newsletter March & April 2017

Hello Tammy, I hope you are enjoying the springtime weather! We are so excited about all God is doing in this season. Did you get our special email update about our relocation and new national role with Burn 24-7? We had an amazing week-long trip across North Carolina...
June Update

Lilley Family Newsletter – January 2017

2017 is here! I hope you are having a great new year. Below I give an update from the amazing Igniting Azusa East New Years gathering, along with some info on upcoming trips and projects I am working on. Also, if you have yet to DOWNLOAD OUR 2017 VISION PACKET (PDF...