December 2022 Update

I am about to be sent on mission to the middle east for 3 months! I’m super excited. I wanted to send you an early update before I leave next week.
I most likely won’t be able to update you while I’m there because it is a closed nation. This email has sensitive information in it, FYI. (:

Some things we’ll be doing:
— bringing the gospel through the desert to an unreached people group
— staying at an orphanage for weeks to minister to the children there
— ministering with local Christian contacts to the city we’re staying in
— relational discipleship and evangelism

Pray that Jesus would begin revealing himself to the people we come into contact with.
Pray for miracles to break out to confirm the gospel.
Pray that we would be bold, Spirit-led, and not afraid.
Pray that we would minister from a place of worship to God and compassion/love for others.
Pray for safety for my team and our local contacts. Pray that God would hide us and protect us.

If you have any trouble with your giving while I’m gone, please contact Beth at Global Impact Resources (252)-752-8875 and leave a message!

Thank you so much for partnering with me. We are a team bringing the gospel to all people groups. You make this possible.

If I am able, I will update you while I’m there. Please be praying for me and the people we are sharing the gospel with these next 3 months!
