April 2016 Update –

As we finish up a fruitful week of ministry in NYC, I am still struck by the unreached people groups that are not far away, but are at arm’s reach. As Misha and Inna Edelstein continue their outreach to Brooklyn and Queens we are constantly amazed at what can be done. Misha and Inna are Russian Jews who came to faith in Jesus (Yeshua) as their Messiah and savior before their family immigrated from Russia in the early 90’s.

This is only the first miracle, and you might expect them to meet and reach people only like themselves. Don’t we all? Yet once again Myra and I found ourselves in this unique world ministering not only to this people group, but to a world within their world that few are aware of.

WatsonUzbek Muslims who are also Russian-speaking are being saved, and we had the privilege of teaching on marriage and family this week with several Uzbek families who are still fresh in their faith. Picture for a moment people who don’t know anything about Jesus, yet are sensing the conviction of God. All that is needed is a Christian to also be led by God to stop and spend time with them.

Yesterday I prayed for an elderly couple from Minsk. They were led to Jesus recently by Inna. The husband, Yefim, is Jewish and has been standing by his wife’s bed everyday for two years as she recovers from a severe stoke. His wife, Lyuba, can’t speak but can understand enough to blink. By blinking “yes” she was born again several months ago, and it was so precious to see her husband reading the Gospel to her.

WatsonI also enjoyed talking with Yefim about his service in the Soviet Air Force – I also served in the Air Force – and about some of the first cosmonauts whom he knew. Hidden worlds within worlds at arms reach. We need better eyes to see and stronger faith to act.

Tomorrow Myra and I will preach on discipleship and teach on leadership so that these precious people can better reach others.

Thanks for standing with us as we reach the nations both near and far.

Mike and Myra


1. Increase in financial partners for our new ministry opportunities

2. Grace as we prepare for our move to Krakow

3. More campus ministers for Europe

4. Peace in the region

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