watkins-sept2016-3In our last update, I said that my goal in one month was to be writing this October update in Krakow surrounded by the boxes we shipped. Well, we are in Krakow, the boxes arrive in about ten days, and we have already signed a lease for our flat. God has blessed us with a nice home a block from the river near the historic Jewish district. It’s just a fifteen-minute walk from the Schindler factory where one man’s ingenuity and bravery saved so many in the darkest of times.

This tangible history serves as a continual reminder of what is really important. As Christians, we should not complain and worry about self-preservation, but we should seek instead to serve others by bringing the gospel into the darkest places because it answers the most difficult questions. We were all born for such a time as this!

watkins_oct_2016-2As soon as we arrived in Krakow, I repacked and flew to our Every Nation world conference in Cape Town, South Africa. Over 5000 people from 58 nations attended, and while there, I engaged in strategic planning for campus ministry in Europe with some of our international campus representatives and leaders. After a powerful message on going to the nations, over 100 people came forward to go to Europe during an altar call for people wanting to go to different regions of the world as missionaries. We look forward to starting new outreaches over the next few years where these volunteers can labor. So far the list of nations is expanding: Romania, Ukraine, Albania, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic…

watkins_oct_2016It has been quite a journey getting back on the field, and even though it was hard work God’s grace was sufficient. By the time you read this update we will be on a train to Ukraine to minister at a conference in Ternopil as well as in the church in Lviv. When we return in one week, we will move into our new apartment, start settling in, and beginning our registration process.

We are very grateful for all of you who have made this move and our continued mission possible. The nations await to see the image of God in our lives and to experience the eternal hope that is in our hearts. God bless!

Mike and Myra


1. Quick registration process in Poland
2. New financial partners for our expanded ministry
3. Upcoming Albania, Czech Republic & Romania missions
4. Peace for Ukraine




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