There are some things that, once you know them, you can’t “un-know” them. Like when Isaiah stood before an open heaven acknowledging he was an unclean man among unclean people. Once God removed his sin, he was compelled to preach to his fellow man. Several millennia later, Hudson Taylor sat on the outskirts of a large Chinese city overlooking a cemetery and watched hundreds of graves being dug – a daily occurrence – for those entering into an eternity without God. He could not un-know this and was compelled to reach China – all of China.

In 1993 we were also compelled to move to Ukraine to serve a people whose previous government had tried for decades to deprive them of the Gospel. Adults who came to faith in Jesus Christ lamented that they were not able to tell their children about Jesus in times past, and as missionaries – we were not the only ones who went – we labored together to establish what are now thriving, Ukrainian-led churches.

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But the work that Jesus commanded us to do is far from finished! There is no eloquent way to write this update, no cool factors, no political commentaries or cleverness of speech. We are simply moved like our heroes of the faith. We are compelled. We are going as we have continued to go.

From our recent updates you know that we will move to Krakow, Poland in September – the first time we are going without our daughters – and while based there in Christ the King Church, we will work on regional projects to preach the Gospel, plant churches and student ministries, as well as prepare national teams for greater expanded works in Ukraine, Romania, Albania, and Russia. That’s just the first year.
How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” Rom 10:14,15
unnamed (2)To do this, we need you to send us. Our startup costs are considerable and cover initial travel, setting up a new home, and purchasing a vehicle. Many of you already partner with us, and we are so grateful. For others we ask you to seriously consider investing in helping us to finish what Christ commanded us to start.

We are deeply grateful for your friendships and for believing in the mission that Jesus has called us all to.

God bless!

Mike and Myra






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