March 2016 Update –

Mike and Myra WatkinsOur last update was about a Macedonian call, which is what happened to the apostle Paul when he wanted to go to one place while God had a different plan in mind. Such was our recent scouting trip to Cluj, Romania as we responded to an invitation to reach university students. After two fruitful days in Cluj we flew to Lviv, Ukraine to serve with other regional leaders in our first Europe Pastors’ Boot Camp in Ukraine.

“For a wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”
(1 Corinthians 16:9)

Cluj TeamOur first stop was Cluj which is a city of about 400,000 located in the Transylvania region of Romania. When you see the word Transylvania, the image of a certain castle may come to mind, but let’s move on. Cluj also has over 40,000 university students. They are the future leaders of the country, and they are also mostly unreached.

The simple solution for unreached people groups is to reach them, and we are planning a missions trip in June to do just that. Some Americans will be on the trip, but we will also have people from our nearby churches in Kraków, Poland and Lviv, Ukraine.

Ukraine Boot CampOur second stop was in war-torn Ukraine where I was able to minister in the Lviv and Ternopil churches on facing fear with faith, and I was greatly encouraged to find that they are not only standing strong but advancing.

The largest part of the Ukraine visit was the Pastors’ Boot Camp. No, we didn’t have to tunnel under barbed wire and assemble our guns faster than Forrest Gump. This was a one-week equipping for existing and future leaders that laid the groundwork for future training when we will send out specific local and regional teams for church plants. Myra and I taught a total of three courses, and I also translated for pastor Oleg – Ukrainian to English – which was a first for me and nearly fried my brain.

Anyway, back to Forrest Gump. When asked why he assembled his rifle so quickly, he replied, “Because you told me to first sergeant.” And that is why we are doing what we do, because Jesus told us to.

“Shkoni, pra, dhe bëni dishepuj nga të gjithë popujt duke i pagëzuar në emër të Atit e të Birit e të Frymës së Shenjtë,”
(Mateu 28:19 )

MissionsThis recent trip was just one of many milestones towards God’s goal of reaching every people group. I will help lead the Ten Days team to Cluj in June as well as take a short trip to Albania where we have yet another Macedonian call. That strange language you just tried to read was the Great Commission in Albanian.

Speaking of milestones, Myra and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage the 23rd of this month. We have journeyed far and wide as a family, and our desire to see God’s kingdom established in the hearts of people is undiminished. Thanks for standing with us as we continue to reach the nations, and may God richly bless you and your families!

Mike and Myra


1. Increase in financial partners

2. Safety and stamina while traveling

3. More campus ministers for Europe

4. Peace in the region

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