I like “go-in-g!”
If Forrest Gump were a missionary instead of a cross-country runner, you might ask him why he became a missionary: “God told me to go, so I went.” But why are you still a missionary? “Because I like go-in-g.”
But Forrest, isn’t so much going bad for you? “I don’t know, I think God forgot to tell me to sto-p.” ‘Simple
is as simple doe-s, and that is why we continue to “go!” Matthew 28:19

In our last update, we were in the middle of strategic planning for reaching our region and preparation for our Europe Every Nation Campus Conference. That conference was significant as almost 100 students and campus ministry leaders from all over Europe gathered in Krakow for a time of fellowship and training. Myra preached a main session as well as a seminar on social responsibility, and I led a workshop on missions opportunities in Europe.

“Our Europe ministry team also gathered before the conference to map out church planting opportunities and development, and this was probably one of our most significant meetings. The opportunities to reach an everincreasing number of cities and campuses creates a good tension that forces us to develop the next generation of church planters and campus ministers. Forrest was at first a solitary runner. However, by the end of his run, hundreds were running with him. It’s the same in missions, and we desire that many more would enjoy “go-in-g.”
In other news, Myra and I are in Ukraine this week training leaders and preaching in Lviv and Ternopil. We then return to Krakow to teach a seminar on leadership dynamics, and we go to Romania for more scouting and team development in April. Thanks for all of you who pray and partner with us in this
Mike and Myra
Prayer Requests
1. Strength and grace for our travels
2. New financial partners for our expanded ministry
3. Team development for Romanian projects
4. Peace for Ukraine
1. Strength and grace for our travels
2. New financial partners for our expanded ministry
3. Team development for Romanian projects
4. Peace for Ukraine