We skipped our September update because we were in transit back to Poland, so we have much to report in our October update. As I I write this, we are on the train from Ukraine to Poland after a very significant ministry week in L’viv and Ternopil. Myra and I introduced a new internship program to the L’viv leadership team (pictured above) as well as cast the vision for major missions opportunities through church planting and campus ministry in Central and Eastern Europe. The L’viv campus ministry is growing with the addition of international student outreach, and the next generation of young leaders will be equipped to be a significant part of Every Nation church planting and campus ministry initiatives. Our Every Nation church in Ternopil, Ukraine just celebrated its 25-year anniversary, and the conference theme was “ those who know their God will do exploits.” (Dan. 11:32) Pastor Oleg invited us and other leaders to not only celebrate with them during their conference, but to equip leaders for new missions projects. Our Ukraine churches are now sending churches, and we are moving our primary equipping closer to the field where most of the “doing” takes place.

Speaking of doing, here are some of the projects that we are leading or co-developing with other regional teams and leaders. Myra and I are upgrading and contextualizing our church planters boot camp so that new teams enter new cities with the best tools we have to offer for starting new churches. Other projects include:

  • Initiating our internship program
  • November Church planting team preparation in Timisoara, Romania
  • November major student outreach in Bucharest, Romania
  • December strategic leadersmeeting in Tbilisi, Georgia

We are doing all this in the backdrop of major geopolitical events in Ukraine and elsewhere where we have projects, and we ask for your prayers for wisdom, protection in our travels, and for the needed resources for these projects. Thanks for making God’s mission possible.

Mike & Myra