One of the most challenging kingdom endeavors is starting a new work from scratch, and I often encounter a blank stare when I explain the missionary preparation for a non-English-speaking country. In all fairness, preparing and sending someone might be no more interesting than fueling a rocket to the moon, but just the idea of a rocket trip and a “man on the moon” is captivating!

Nevertheless, preparation isn’t the most significant challenge. We need more people for God’s work – Jesus said it first – and we are overjoyed when God provides those people. Just recently, we have seen answered prayer for new team members in several cities.

I want to introduce you to some of our Prague team. These people are from all walks of life but have two things in common. First, they are all strong Christians who want to be used in God’s mission. Next, and more unique, they are all individuals and families who have moved to the Czech Republic for work or study and desire to serve in a new church plant.

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