This newsletter doesn’t begin with a clever title like “20/20 vision for 2020,” which I hope you appreciate, but we do hope you had a blessed Christmas with loved ones and that God warmed your hearts with renewed faith, hope, and love. We enjoyed a wonderful visit from our daughters, Abigail and Rebecca, and, as always, it wasn’t easy to say goodbye. Rebecca immediately headed off to Belfast, Northern Ireland where she is interning with the Every Nation church there, and Abigail returned to her important work in Chicago.

Along with our global Every Nation family, we always start the year with a week of prayer, fasting, and consecration, so please feel free to send any personal prayer requests our way. This year, we are corporately reflecting on the amazing grace that we receive through Jesus Christ our Savior and how his grace empowers us to live a fruitful Christian life. Myra and I are praying for how we can better reach Europe, but first we must consecrate our hearts so that we can walk closely with Jesus.

Just before the holidays, I traveled to Germany where I served our German-speaking pastors from Germany and Austria. This is a new sphere of work as we assist the local leaders in developing and upgrading key ministry areas such as evangelism, discipleship, and leadership.

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