Almost Five Years Later
As I sat down to write last night, I was filled with the most overwhelming amount of gratitude and it was not a bad feeling. It’s the kind of feeling that stirs you into action and instead of sitting in front of my computer for hours on end, striving to put my many thoughts into readable words, all I could do was think of the many ways that you have been a part of this journey with me. This is for YOU!
- IPHC 2013-2014
- IPHC 2014-2015
- IPHC 2015-2016
In September of 2011 I embarked on a experience that has molded me and forever changed me. At the bright eyed age of 26 (sarcasm intended) I joined YWAM for what I only thought was a six month school. At the time I was walking through a season of grief, carrying baggage from my past that had yet to be dealt with and completely confused about who I was and who God is. This was jus t the beginning and I love that God is always giving us beginnings.
In each moment of healing, in each outrageously funny inside joke, in each time of intercession and time of sharing tears and joy you have been there. you have propelled my heart and my feet forward. You have pushed me to greater excellence than I thought I could reach. You have been an integral part of what I do. In the hard times and the great- you are there.
Thank you for being there when I was crying out to the Lord for the release of past hurt and gaining a deeper level of forgiveness. Thank you for being there in the moments when my students and team mates have had food poisoning and 104 degree temps on outreaches and all I could do was pray. Thank you for being there during the moments when all I felt I was able to do was smile and hug them because of language and religious barriers. Thank for being there as we would create games that turned into 120 songs with four chords. Thank you for being there in the conflict and the restoration. Thank you for being there in the joy and in the sorrow. Thank you for being in every season of my life. I am better because of you.
I have made friends from all over the world. I have met and fallen in love with a people and land that is not my own. I get the chance to continue to grow as a person and as a leader. I have freedom like I have never had before. I get to call the nations my home and that is because of YOU! Mostly I get to know God and make Him known. This is the deepening cry of my heart. I don’t always get it right, I don’t always do the best, but I know that above all else that I want there to be no space between myFather and me. I want him to feel every crevice; every nook and cranny. From this place I want to carry the mantle of missions and Primary Health Care and equip other missionaries like myself to take hold of this tool and take it to the nations.
I get to experience all of this because of YOU. Have I already said that? Well that’s ok, cause I want to make sure you know it! You are amazing. You are so much a part of what we get to do in the nations. You are my propellers. I can’t go unless you go with me. If you have felt unloved by me or I have been somehow silent in my affection for you- I am so sorry! Know that I am constantly thinking of you and although I have failed in the past I am growing more consistent in keeping you before the Lord.
Read the original newsletter here
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