Last week we had our 2017 GO Europe Conference in Krakow, Poland, and like spokes on a wheel – now you get it – people came from almost every nation in Europe for several days of fellowship and equipping only to go back out to advance God’s kingdom by preaching the gospel and planting new churches and campus ministries.

Pastor Jim Laffoon shared with us what God wants to do in Europe based on what we see in scripture rather than what we read in the news, and Dr. Rice Broocks showed us how to increase our evangelistic fervor and sharpen our tools to break the hard ground.
The nations represented were Poland, Ukraine, Russian, Romania, Czech Republic, Austria, Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, the US, and South Africa. Some of these nations represent new outreach opportunities, and we thankfully have a growing regional team that can scout the land, lead missions teams, and train and send church planters and campus ministers. Myra and I serve on this team alongside local churches on these projects, and for the rest of this year we will focus mostly on Romania with additional scouting and development trips to Albania and Russia. We also have Ten Days mission teams going to Krakow, Poland and Lviv, Ukraine in October.

We have been reporting on opportunities in Romania for over a year, so it’s time to unpack that a bit so you can know how to pray with us. This began with an invitation to Cluj where we led an outreach trip in June 2016, and we have another opportunity in Bucharest that we are incubating. There is a new open door in Timișoara, Romania through Pastor Remus and Andreea Groze who have a vision to start a new church and campus ministry, and we will devote the next few months to developing these three open doors, which will include at least one extensive trip.

This is a lot of work, but God never tires in his love for the nations. Thanks for standing with us with partnership and prayer as we break new ground. God bless!

Mike and Myra



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