Last month, we had the opportunity of hosting The Burn at Collide, another ECU student ministry. We knew that this would be a way to get a lot of the college students involved in the burn. It was exciting to see people encounter the presence of God throughout the night. The best part for me was watching different groups praying and sharing their faith with one another outside the worship room.

During one of prayer times, we invited students to come worship with us on the mall of East Carolina University.
I have been enjoying the weekly prayer times that we have at the Boiler Room. The prayer house serves as a place where people can come to spend time with the Lord and where the community comes together to pray over the city. One of my favorite moments from the past weeks is seeing how people are becoming more involved in the worship. People are bringing instruments and even meeting outside the prayer room.
During these times I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting new visitors who come for the first time and see the excitement on their faces when they realize that this is another place they can come to where they can encounter worship and spend some time in prayer.
One of my other favorite moments is getting to know the girls that come through the Boiler Room. It reminds me of the days that I was helping to lead bible studies and the opportunities I was given to be able to speak into these young ladies lives. I love the moments that I get to see them regularly and see how God is moving in their lives. I also have the pleasure of watching some of them grow closer to God and also continue to grow as leaders in their community.
Our Friday Nights at the Boiler Room have been going well since we introduced it a couple of weeks ago. We had a Passover event as well as inviting our friend, Niko Peele (pictured above), to speak about the importance of having a personal relationship with God built upon intimacy. We had the most college students attend that event since Niko’s ministry focuses on bringing Jesus to the college campus. At the end of the night, there was a call for those who wanted to give their lives to spread the gospel.

Students who answered the call to be missional on the campus of ECU and the call to be sent out to the nations
Thank you so much for making this all possible! With your donations, you are not only helping to change lives not only in Greenville, but across Eastern North Carolina.
Lauren Smith
Prayer Requests
I have been planning on going on another mission trip this year and God has really placed Brazil on my heart. There is going to be a Brazil Mission Trip through Global Awakening. The trip is scheduled for December 5-13th. We will be traveling around to different areas, sharing the love of God to Brazilian people. The cost of the $3,299 all inclusive. Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring me to share the love of God to the nations at the end of the year? I will have more details in an upcoming newsletter.