
I am in remission! My prostate cancer treatment ended just before Christmas, and other than one temporary complication from my treatment last month, my energy is back. My doctor said my blood test was great, no sign of cancer, but I will be on some preventative medications for another year. I could of course preach here how the remission of cancer is like our remission from sins through Jesus, or I could go further and say that remission leads to “re-mission” – going back on the field – but you get the point! We are thankful for God’s goodness, healing, and your prayers throughout my health journey.

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Our joy is overshadowed, though, by the continued war in Ukraine. It has been almost one year since Putin started this evil enterprise, committing unspeakable atrocities in the tens of thousands. Nevertheless, Ukraine is resolute, and our courageous friends on the ground in both Ukraine and Poland continue to deliver aid to the neediest areas, even near the fighting.

The generosity of many churches and individuals has made this work possible, and we are starting a new campaign this month to replenish our depleted Ukraine Relief Fund that goes directly to the needs on the field. Please consider giving towards this critically important work as we love our neighbors in word and deed. Click Here to Give.


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