I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the busyness and beauty of the holiday season. I can hardly believe that Christmas is already here and we are about to enter a new year but I am so excited to see what God has in store for each of us in this coming season!
It is really hard to believe that I have been in Haiti for 3 months. While it seems like I just left yesterday, I have experienced so much that make it feel like an entire lifetime. It has been such an amazing season and I am incredibly thankful that God brought me here!
The women’s Bible Study has been going incredibly well and we continue to grow every week. This past week, we had more than 40 women join us as we continued our study through the book of James. Every week as I share and pray with these women, I become more and more connected with them and feel so privileged to be able to minister to them. This past week, a woman stood up and shared a testimony of how God used our meetings to encourage her with a situation she was facing; in turn, it encouraged me to know that God is using me to speak to them. Our weekly meetings are not only growing my heart for this community but they are strengthening my giftings.
A few weeks ago, as I was spending time at the orphanage, God really laid one of the little girls on my heart. While most of the children are full of energy and playing, she would always sit and stare with no expression. Her eyes were so sad and hopeless and God really broke my heart for her. Over the past few weeks as I have spent time with her every day, He has really broken through in her life and begun to bring hope and joy. After posting a picture of her smiling on Facebook, I was told that they had never seen her smile the entire 3 years she has been here. Abeline has absolutely stolen my heart and God has used her to impact me profoundly. Looking at the picture of first holding her and now, it doesn’t even seem like the same little girl. If for no other reason, God brought me to Haiti to show Abeline that she is loved and not forgotten.
Thank you so much for giving so live can be changed in Haiti. Together we are making an eternal impact on the lives of countless people around the world. Thank you for being part of it!
Prayer Requests
*Pray for continued health
*Pray for God to continue increasing our women’s group
*Pray for God to continue to open Abeline’s heart