Dear GIR,
What an amazing month we have had!
Easter Sunday was truly a historic day for our church and campus outreaches. In addition to our three services in Center City Philadelphia, we held our first service in Cherry Hill, NJ! One hundred sixty-six people attended our inaugural Cherry Hill service, and six of these individuals indicated a decision to follow Jesus Christ! Overall, approximately 1,500 people attended a Freedom Church service on Easter Sunday. It was an amazing day!
On May 19th, we held our most recent water baptism. An incredibly diverse group of nine people were baptized. One of these individuals is a young professional named Jason. Jason has an MBA from the University of Chicago. He grew up in a non-religious home, but was introduced to the faith by his girlfriend. Jason started reading the Bible, and then his girlfriend brought him to Freedom Church, where he attended our Foundations Class. After becoming convinced of the truth of the Gospel, he took the step of baptism. It was a great moment!
Thank you for partnering with us in this mission to bring the Gospel to Philadelphia. To God be the glory!
With joy,