As I look back and reflect on 2017, I can only come to one conclusion: it was the MOST difficult year of my life. From nearly the moment the year began, there were difficult changes and painful transition and moments of wondering if I was on the right path. And each time it felt as if things were starting to come together, something else would come around the corner. These last few months of 2017 were especially difficult. For those of you who may not follow my journey on Facebook, Abeline suffered a brain bleed which caused a stroke and put her in the hospital for over a month. We didn’t know if she would make it and even if she did, what kind of life quality she would have. I am so thankful that God did such a miracle in healing her completely but those were some of the darkest, most painful days of my life. In the midst of all of it, I have encountered a God who is so faithful and is near us in the midst of every moment.

After she came home from the hospital, I returned to the states for a quick visit in order to rest and recover and process all that had happened. God was good to me in those days and I came back much stronger than I left. I know it will still be a process over the next few months to heal mentally and emotionally for all we went through, but I know He will continue to be abundantly faithful to us.

New Year. New Hope.
As we enter into this new year, I am filled with a new sense of hope. It can be incredibly daunting to not know what the future holds but I am more confident than ever that my God is with me through it. As we have new teams and new long-term missionaries and I take on new responsibilities, I look forward to seeing what God is going to do in me and through me as I serve this community. I may not see the path ahead but he sees each step and I can rest in that.

Sponsorship Tools
One of the responsibilities I have here at Mission of Grace is to oversee our sponsorship program. I recruit new sponsors and stay in touch with our current sponsors- which, among other things, includes sending updated photos. Each years, I take and send close to 1500 photos to sponsors. In order to help take the program to the next level, I would like to be able to purchase a camera to take higher quality photos. If you would like to help give towards that purchase, you can do so HERE.

For most missionaries, finances are an area we often struggle. There is so much work to be done but in money is required to provide our daily expenses. In order to be fully funded and sustained, I need an additional $500 in monthly partnership. Would you consider becoming a monthly partner or increasing your existing partnership? You can do so by giving here.

In these coming months, please pray that God would be near to me and continue to restore me completely after this last difficult season. Pray that He would give me perspective and wisdom in my job and a grace and flexibility as things shift and change throughout the year. Pray that this would be a year He continues to increase my leadership.


To learn more about Adriane and how you can support her missionary work financially, please visit How To Give.