I pray that each of you are doing well in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The conference was a powerful and impactful time. It was three days of equipping and four nights of worship, preaching and empowerment. Many lives were impacted and changed.
We sense that this conference helped establish us in our new location.

Thanks to all of you who have prayed and contributed towards this move. We have currently received $4400 our $15,000 goal. I am as excited about what God will do in this new place as I have been since I first came to Ethiopia. I want to ask all of you to pray for us in this time and I also want to ask if you would be willing to make a one time contribution to help us reach our goal of $15,000. Your prayers and financial contributions will help us greatly in accomplishing what God has called us to in this strategic part of Ethiopia.
Please send me an email to let me know if you will be praying and/or contributing in this important time.
To make a financial contribution please visit us at www.globalimpactresources.org.
Thanks for partnering with us in advancing Gospel here in Ethiopia.
Blessings to you all!