Dear friends,

Grace and peace to each of you! I hope this message finds each of you doing well. I am sure many of you are looking forward to the coming summer season! Photos of the ocean are always welcome :).

Things here are going well by God’s grace. We are entering into the summer rainy season and the summer break for the students. Several of our youth will be taking their matriculation exams next week. Their results will determine which university they will attend as well as their field of study. Please pray for them as they study as well as for their results.

We were recently visited by a good friend of mine, Pastor Angelo Williams from Wilmington, NC and it was an encouraging and fruitful time. Attached are some photos from our trip to our school in Wonji.

Summer is coming and we are gearing up for our annual summer program. Each summer, we have witnessed an eternal change in the lives of many young people. This summers program will include teachings on topics pertinent to youth, prayer, educational field trips, evangelism, community service, fun, and many other activities. The program will run through July and August. Please pray for a fruitful time. It is our prayer to see these young people continue to develop in every area of their lives. We are also praying that many other young people will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ this summer.

This week I had the privilege to train and encourage a group of project directors from Compassion International in the area of youth development. Compassion partners with our school in Wonji and I am always inspired by the work that they do here in Ethiopia and beyond. It was a joy to spend time with them and share about equipping the next generation.

Thanks again for your friendships, partnerships, prayers and support. The work here would not be possible with out you and we all greatly appreciate you! Thanks and may God bless you all in Jesus Name!

Eddie Evans
Pastor, Bethel International Church

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If you are not currently following us on our Bethel Facebook page, please visit us here. We also recently created a page for our school in Wonji. We hope these pages will help us stay better connected.


If you’d like to make a contribution to Pastor Eddie’s ministry, you can do so right here and designate the 110 Ethiopian Missions Account or you can make a check payable to Global Impact Resources and mail it to PO Box 3012, Greenville, NC 27836. Please designate “Ethiopian Missions” in the memo.