Grace and peace to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I hope that each of you is doing well and enjoying the beginning of summer!
Things here are going well by Gods grace! Our students finished their national exams and are now waiting for the results. We are confident that they did well. Our Wonji-Shoa students celebrated the completion of 10th grade and the national exam with a fun filled day at Lake Langano! Attached are a couple of photos.
Our university students are finishing up exams and will be back in Addis in a couple of weeks. We are looking forward to their return. Our summer is our busiest and most exciting time of the year. Each summer we have a youth program for high school and university students. The program consists of prayer, Bible study, evangelism, community service, leadership development, music lessons, an annual youth conference, and a lot of fun and fellowship. Last year during our summer outreach over a hundred young people repented of their sins and confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Please pray for a fruitful summer of empowerment and outreach.
We have begun three new leadership mentoring groups on university campuses. One is being facilitated by Henock, one of our church members who is in his first year of medical school in Hawassa. Hawassa is a beautiful lakeside town and it’s my favorite place in Ethiopia. I am looking forward to visiting and assisting Henock as needed:). I am facilitating the second group with a group of students from Yared Music School, the premier music school here in Ethiopia. The third group is being led by Arse, another church member who is in his third year of engineering school at Mizan Tepi near the Sudan border. Please pray for us as we continue to develop character based servant leaders who carry a passion to bring transformation in Ethiopia and beyond. Photos are attached.
Sunday night we hosted a special night of worship and invited Endalkachew and the Halwot Worship Team, a well-known worship team here in Ethiopia. Many visitors came from our local community and it was an amazing night! A photo is attached.
Thanks for standing with us in the fields of Ethiopia. Your friendships, prayers, and partnerships are critical to the work here and we thank God for each of you!
May the blessing of the Lord be upon each of you!
If you would like to become a monthly financial partner or if you would like to make a contribution to assist us in our summer program, please visit us at http://www.globalimpactreso