Dear friends,
I pray this message finds each of you doing well!
I want to share a few quick highlights with you.
Due to your prayers and generous contributions, we now have $12,400 to help with our flood relief efforts in Wonji. Additionally, several partners have indicated that contributions are on the way. Our goal is $27,500 so we will continue to receive contributions. If any of you are willing to share this need with your churches, family, friends, etc., please let me know. The money has now now been transferred to our account in Ethiopia and restoration efforts can now begin. Please continue to pray with us. Thanks to each of you for your concern, prayers, encouragement and financial contributions.
Our high school and university students are currently on summer break and our youth summer program is going well. We have daily programs including prayer, evangelism, community service, leadership development, study times, bible study, career interest field trips, and other activities. We are encouraged by the tremendous growth that we are seeing in our young people at this time.
In Ethiopia, high schools seniors take a year end placement exam which largely determines which university they will attend and in which field they will study. We are thankful that all of our students did well on this exam and hopefully they will be able to study in their areas of interest. Please pray for their placements.
One of our university graduates received honors as the top student in her school of study. Another recent graduate named Emu, just got a great job in an engineering company. Due to your support of our education sponsorship program we were able to assist Emu financially as she pursued her educational goals. We are thankful to God for His grace upon these young people and are extremely proud of each of them!
Next weekend, we will be hosting our first youth conference. The theme of the conference is, “Living for Christ!” We are excited to be bringing in several dynamic worship teams and speakers. Some of the topics include: living a life of worship, living a life of mission, and discovering your purpose. We are bringing in youth from several of our sister churches and various ministries to assist us for three days of evangelism and outreach leading up to the conference. Please pray for this conference. Pray that many young people will come to know Christ and that the attendees will be awakened to God and to His purposes for their lives!
We have recently moved into a larger facility which will help us to more effectively accomplish our mission. In partnership with a local ministry we will soon be launching a Saturday morning tutorial and character development program for youth from our community. The new space will help us with this program as well as many others.
We recently launched a leadership and character development initiative in a local youth detention center. We are excited about this opportunity to help empower these youth to live successful lives upon their release.
We are currently building a relationship with a local youth center which serves about 600 youth on a weekly basis. We are exploring ways that we can partner with them in empowering their youth.
Thank you for being a part of what God is doing here! Please continue to pray for us as we endeavor to reach this young generation with the gospel of our our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
If you would like to contribute financially to our work, please visit us at http://www.
Thank you and may God bless you all!