Our ENC Fall Retreat was a great success! After all was said and done we had students from 10 different colleges and universities represented. Together these students constituted an amazingly diverse collection of young leaders from a variety of ethnicities and nations. These moments provide a hopeful glimpse into what God is doing in the next generation. Among many testimonies that emerged from the weekend, one group of men was deeply convicted about walking in purity before the Lord. They have committed to meeting together regularly to encourage each other in their faith and in holiness.

Gabe speaking to the students at the Fall Retreat

Gabe speaking to the students at the Fall Retreat

The retreat also helped with our vision to expand our outreaches to additional campuses around Philadelphia. With the participation of an energetic freshman from LaSalle University, we’re hopeful about launching a new small group on that campus. LaSalle is a private university in north Philadelphia with around 6,600 students. In addition, our campus ministry director, Dave Hess, has also started taking steps to establish an official student  organization at Penn. We have had a number of graduate students from Penn involved at Freedom Church, but we have never had an official student organization on that campus. Please pray for our outreach to this important university!

Photo of students - Bouch November 2015 Updates

Bailey, Curtis, Kat and Terrence

This past week, Jennifer and I ministered to a group of students at the University of the Sciences, a school of about 2,800 students with a focus on healthcare and the sciences. Two dynamic student leaders from USciences, Terrence and Kat, got involved at Freedom Church about 9 months ago. They lead a Bible study on their campus and have brought a number of students to Freedom Church. Will you pray that God will continue to use them to reach their peers?
Our prayer is that God would draw thousands of college students to Himself all across Philadelphia. As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we’re continually grateful for your partnership in this mission. May God be greatly glorified in Philadelphia.


With thanksgiving,
Gabe and Jennifer

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