Bennot News March – April 2019

Apr 4, 2019

Greetings from Cape Town, Gallup and Nashville

Dear Friends, We had a great start to the New Year here in Cape Town. The leadership team is stronger than ever and all the ministries are running at full speed. Our school (CSSM) is running with over 100 students and the pastoral ministry is growing in leaps and bounds. We even launched a second morning service to accommodate the growth. Cape Town is an amazing place, and the Lord has positioned Journey of Grace to build with other leaders, churches and ministries in the city. Our motto of ‘Loving a City into the Kingdom’ is taking shape.

We just returned from Israel a few days ago. We were blessed by a close friend with an all-expense paid trip. Quite frankly we were gripped by how much history was accomplished in such a small place for all of us. The heritage we have is amazing. You could feel the inheritance just waiting to be taken up. Our favorite place was walking in the footsteps of Jesus in Galilee. 

Our favorite place was in Galilee. Being on the Sea of Galilee was special. The most impacting place was where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. It was special because this is where Jesus lived, walked and did most of His miracles. Then the Holy Spirit told me that if this ground was special because it’s where Jesus was, how much more special are people because that’s where He is?

Our last evening together in Jerusalem was loaded with the unexpected. Water kept appearing out of a dry empty cup.
Signs that make you wonder!

Also, we are just a few days away from heading to Nashville for a new church plant. As you may know, we were planning to launch a new ministry in Nashville, Tennessee in July of last year, but it needed to be postponed while our son was receiving cancer treatment. He is fully recovered and we are now ready to resume our plans for Nashville. We do need you prayers for several things. We need to find a place to live as well as a place to meet. We also need to get our church plant team back together. Another big need is the sale of a house that we have had there since 2005. It has been rented for many years, and now we need to sell it so we can purchase our own home in South Africa. We are also believing for some start-up capital to cover venue and equipment costs.

We have been a two nation family and ministry for many, many years. To be able to live and serve in South Africa and the United States is a huge honor. We are blessed to walk with some amazing leaders in both countries.

Please feel free to contact us while we are in the States. We love hearing from our family and friends. The fact is, we could never do what we are doing without you. Our prayer for you is that the goodness of Jesus would fill you more and more.

Blessings and thanks,

Bill and Connie Bennot




To learn more about Bill and Connie and how you can support their missionary work financially, please visit How To Give.