Rested and Refreshed
During my time in America, I was able to get some much needed physical rest and refreshing to my body as well as spending some needed time with friends and people I hold so dear to my heart. Every conversation, dinner and coffee brought life to my heart and was a reminder from God of the beauty of the life that He has called me to. I met so many incredible new people as I shared about the work I do with Mission of Grace and connected with old friends across several states.
I came back to Haiti ready to jump into a new season and am excited for the ways I felt God shift me and my focus and the areas I am called to serve here in Haiti. I have seen God grow so many areas I have poured into here and I am looking forward to the ways that He continues to grow all that I sow my time and life into.

Medical Visa
receive the sample Monday or Tuesday and we should have results within a few weeks. Once we receive results, we will have some direction as to what our next steps will be. There is still a long road ahead of us and we will need a community of people to walk with us on this journey. Please pray that things would go smoothly with processing the blood and receiving results quickly so that we can see where God is taking us.

New School Year

To learn more about Adriane and how you can support her missionary work financially, please visit How To Give.