Mike and Myra Watkins – July 2024 Update

Mike and Myra Watkins – July 2024 Update

Phase TwoJuly marks six months living in Prague, and we are grateful for what God has done to establish our home and ministry through friends and ministry partners. We have made significant progress in settling into our routine and beginning outreach.

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Eddie Evans – June 2024 Update

Eddie Evans – June 2024 Update

Greetings dear friends! Here is a quick update on some our ministry projects in Ethiopia. Our partner school is continuing to faithfully and effectively serve the youth and community of Wonji Shoa. We are excited and thankful for the completion of an additional...

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Mike and Myra – Watkins May 2024 Update

Mike and Myra – Watkins May 2024 Update

Reunions!Reunions are often happy times. Friendships separated by time and distance are rekindled, milestones are celebrated, losses are grieved, and visions are refreshed. We recently returned from our ministry’s leadership conference in Warsaw, Poland, where pastors...

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Zach Hallow – May 2024 Update

Zach Hallow – May 2024 Update

Im Engaged! The Story:  I had been planning to propose to Reisa for about a month, and I’m so relieved I don’t have to keep it a secret anymore! I told her we were going on a nice picnic date at a spot my friend recommended. We hopped in the car and drove an hour and...

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Mike and Myra – Watkins May 2024 Update

Mike and Myra Watkins April 2024 Update

SerendipityIt has been a little longer than usual since our last update, but trains, planes, and automobiles have – to Myra’s displeasure – kept my suitcases open and my correspondence on the shelf. One of our favorite words, “serendipity,” means unexpected pleasure,...

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Zach Hallow – February 2024 Update

Zach Hallow – February 2024 Update

I hope your February has been great and you've been able to slow down to be with Jesus. I'm looking back at my February and it has been packed with many good things. I should always be self-developing, reading books, working hard, growing in wisdom, serving others,...

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Eddie Evans – February 2024 Update

Eddie Evans – February 2024 Update

Greetings dear friends,  I hope this message finds each of you doing well in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  I am doing well by Gods grace. Am experiencing a deep level of peace, joy and refreshing in this season of my life…so thankful!  I have been...

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Mike and Myra Watkins February 2024 Update

Mike and Myra Watkins January 2024 Update

Arrived! After several months of visa processing, packing, and shipping, we are finally in Prague! We found a nice apartment in time to host our family for Christmas, and we are very thankful for God’s provision. It will take a few more weeks for the dust to settle,...

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Zach Hallow- November 2023 Update

Zach Hallow- November 2023 Update

This month has been amazing and I can't wait to come to NC over Christmas and see a lot of you. Thank you so much for your faithful giving each month. You allow me to be a full-time great commission worker! Your support means the world to me.

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A Message from Our President

“Throughout my experiences in traveling   to other countries as a pastor, I have recognized a common trend that exists among various ministries and missionaries. This trend is one of potential opportunity  to impact the nations, yet the necessary resources are not always available to seize these moments. In an effort to address this challenge, Global Impact Resources was established as a resource-gathering agent for missionaries and ministries.” – Mike Williams

Join Our Efforts

We’d love for you to join us in our endeavor to support great work around the world. Click the “Donate” button to find out how you can make a contribution that could do a world of good.

Contact Us

1366763410_mail_newGlobal Impact Resources
P.O. Box 3012
Greenville, NC 27836

(252) 752-8875


Office Hours:
Tuesday – Friday
9AM – 4:30PM
Eastern Standard Time (USA)