God Loves People

July 2018 Update

…so much that he wants to save them, all of them. And to accomplish this, he gave all that he had, his Son. That’s pretty much the gist of John 3:16. His Son, Jesus, came to “seek and save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10), and if we consider this the only mission of God – the missio Dei – we can rest assured that the enemy of our souls has the exact opposite mission, “to steal, kill, and destroy.” (John 10:10
I preface this update with this sober reminder that there are but two overarching powers governing the trajectory of this world, and we as believers need to make sure that our endeavors line up with what God wants to accomplish. The world was united and riveted recently by the heroic feat to save a group of Thai boys lost deep in a cave, so let us be even more engaged with the grand spectacle of what God is doing in our midst.
Myra and I are back in Krakow, and we thank all of you who were instrumental in making our trip to the US possible. We are also thankful that Myra has completely recovered from her health problem and we are pouring ourselves into our next big project, Romania. On the way back to Krakow we were able to stop in NYC and minister in Ohr Yeshua (Light of the Messiah) Messianic congregation. Russian Jews led by Michael (Misha) and Inna Edelstein are reaching Central Asian Muslims with the Gospel. Just think about that for a moment!
Since we returned last week, we have been primarily engaged with strategic preparations for the Timisoara, Romania Ten Days mission in October. We had an excellent video planning session today with Pastor Remus Groze and his wife, Andreea. Our outreach with volunteer teams from Romania, Europe, and the US will focus on the theme of human identity and how the Gospel answers this question. Society has all but cast off the last vestiges of being created in the image of God, imago Dei, and this has led to an unraveling and disintegration of spiritual, moral, and even human identity with often catastrophic results.
The next generation is unmoored in a cynical sea of questions, and the full application of the Gospel is the only remedy. Please join with us as we obey God and meet this challenge head­on, and keep us in your prayers as we make additional trips to Ukraine and the Czech Republic in the coming months. Thanks and God bless!

Mike and Myra

Prayer Requests

1. New financial partners for our expanded ministry

2. Strength and grace for our travels

3. Team development for Romanian projects

4. Peace for Ukraine




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