We are often asked what is the most difficult thing about the mission field, and many might assume that the work itself is difficult. But all of God’s people, wherever they are, have a grace to do what they do and we consider the mission that God has given us a great joy. Last year we relocated to Krakow, Poland and began new projects in Romania and Albania. Yet the most difficult thing for us is to be away from our daughters, Abigail and Rebecca, and we had a wonderful time with them during this summer trip to the US. Rebecca is a senior at Wheaton College and Abigail works in neighboring Chicago. We will see them once more in a few weeks before we fly back to Poland.
Another highlight this summer was our two-week seminary residency at Asbury Theological Seminary where we studied missions-related topics with missionaries, pastors, and leaders from all over the world. All of our studies relate to our current cross-cultural projects in Central and Eastern Europe, and our professors are veteran missionaries who honed their skills in Pacific Island jungles and African villages. This study directly helps us with current projects as well as equipping national leaders to go deeper into areas that we could never penetrate in our lifetimes.

After our return to Krakow at the end of this month, we will be assisting two back-to-back, short-term missions teams to reach university students in Krakow, Poland and in Lviv, Ukraine. This will be followed by several trips to Romania where we have three cities we are considering for new church plants, and we will send detailed updates for each of those trips. The leadership theme in all that we do is to teach others to do what we have done, and the Apostle Paul expressed this to Timothy when he said:

The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2


We have completed a major stage of missions in handing all of our work in Ukraine to exceptional Ukrainian leaders, and we continue to serve them as they develop their next generation of leaders and missionaries. We are now beginning new projects through national leaders in other countries that their spiritual grandchildren will continue. The mission of God – missio Dei – is larger than any one person or generation can accomplish, but it requires all generations of believers to keep it moving forward. Thanks for being a part of reaching this generation and the next in Central and Eastern Europe.

Mike & Myra

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Global Impact Resources
Attn: Mike & Myra Watkins
P.O. Box 3012
Greenville, NC 27836
Note: Michael Watkins acct# 101

Contact Cell: 919-348-3884


1. New financial partners for our expanded ministry, and special gifts to help us purchase a vehicle.
2. Continued growth of new projects in Albania and Romania
3. Safe travel back to Poland and upcoming trips to Ukraine and Romania
4. Peace for Ukraine