The “midnight hour” conjures up many thoughts. It could denote the final moments before dreaded doom or the most diffcult moments before a miraculous breakthrough. Just yesterday, it meant that I preached in the Lviv, Ukraine church service, which was 11 am their time, and 3 am my time. I have, of course, taken a much-needed siesta since then.
I would be remiss if I did not speak to the societal upheavals in the US and to similardiffculties throughout the world. When swords are still drawn on many sides, volatile emotions and catastrophic thoughts can run unrestrained. So allow me to quiet the noise and interject a tender story where the greatest prophet born to women doubted the very one he had heralded. From prison, John the Baptist sent word to Jesus asking, “Are You the Coming One, or are we to look for someone else?” (Matt. 11:3 NASB) To this, Jesus answered:
“Go and report to John what you hear and see: those who are blind receive sight and those who limp walk, those with leprosy are cleansed and those who are deaf hear, the dead areraised, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is any person who does not take offense at Me.” (Matt 11:4-6)