An interesting thing happens after studying a
language – in my case, Russian – for over 30 years. You can actually read it! I was surprised on our recent second trip to Tbilisi, Georgia that I was able to read a text in Old Church Slavonic which is like Gothic Middle English script. The man in this icon is Sergii Radonezhski, and his inscription says, “Children, remember the ceaselessly unknown and tremulous hour of death.”
language – in my case, Russian – for over 30 years. You can actually read it! I was surprised on our recent second trip to Tbilisi, Georgia that I was able to read a text in Old Church Slavonic which is like Gothic Middle English script. The man in this icon is Sergii Radonezhski, and his inscription says, “Children, remember the ceaselessly unknown and tremulous hour of death.”
As we return to what the early church considered, the “ends of the earth,” I am intrigued at the remnants of truth still found in ancient churches and engraved on pillars of stone. These men wanted people to grapple with the truth of eternity, but this call now goes unheeded as tourists observe the beauty of history while oblivious to the message of history.
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