I hope you are doing well and staying warm as the cold weather has begun all around the country. It is absolutely beautiful here and though we sometimes wish for moments of cool weather, the sun is a welcome friend to us! It is really hard to believe that it is already time for the holidays, especially in such hot weather, but I am looking forward to experiencing this season in a new place.

It really is hard to believe that is has only been one month since I last updated you. The days and weeks here are so full that it feels like I have already been here for an entire lifetime and it has only been 2 months!

Last month, I told you about a Bible study I was helping to lead with another woman here for the school year. Unfortunately, she tripped and fell one evening while going to dinner and had to fly home to Canada when they discovered her hip was broken. Thankfully, she is doing well and recovering to return soon but it also means that I have completely taken over the Women’s Bible Study. It was definitely an unexpected change but I am excited for what God is doing in the lives of these ladies and I am thankful and honored for the opportunity to consistently teach them and pour into their lives.

ac-novJust this past week, I was at the clinic working in the pharmacy and a young couple brought their 2 month old baby in to see the Dr. It was their first child and the mother had not produced much milk and the baby was clearly malnourished, weighing only 6 pounds. While the mother was outside getting her medications, I picked him up and was able to soothe him to sleep while we waited for a can of formula to be delivered. After it came, I was able to spend some time educating them on how to mix the formula and how often to feed the baby as well as making sure he is burped and only using clean water to feed him. It was such a blessing to be able to help this couple and to see that all of my experience throughout the years of serving families and caring for children was able to bless somebody else.

ac-nov2Thank you so much for giving so that I can go to the nations. We are part of the great work God is doing in advancing His kingdom around the world!


Prayer Requests

*Pray for continued health

*Pray for fruitful ministry at our women’s bible study

*Pray for continued grace in connecting with people here