This month can be summarized in the word transition. While our lives are always transitioning in some way, certain season are marked by a clear fork in the road, and this is one of them.
The final Boiler Room gathering, Alabaster, was an amazing 24-hour Burn with worship teams, intercessors and worshipers from across our region. With the transition from the Boiler Room, many people have been sharing with me how important the Boiler Room has been to them. Here’s a few messages I’ve received….
From Danny:
I just want to say thank you for answering God’s call. The Boiler Room has played more of a role in my walk with God than you’ll ever know. I am beyond excited to praise one last time there, and ecstatic to see what the Lord is going to do.
From Maci:
Thank you to the Boiler Room for being a place to grow, to worship freely, to build community. Thanks for being a home. And thank you Matthew for creating this home and opening it to us all to gather for worship and prayer. You and this place radically changed my life and I can’t ever thank you enough!
- Packing up the Boiler Room
We have officially relaunched as the East Carolina Prayer Furnace! We are gathering weekly on Tuesdays for prayer in July as we pack up the Boiler Room, transition, attend the Burn 24-7 summit and get settled into the new location. In August we will begin hosting prayer three days a week, along with our weekly teaching time. All the details are on the new prayer furnace web site at (be sure to check it out!!).
This fall will be a time of discipleship, networking and rebuilding in a new location and a new name, but the same vision for 24-7 prayer in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David as well as igniting and sustaining regional revival.
- Our new office, worship space and lounge area at the Collide building
- New relationships and connections for us to expand the prayer furnace community.
- Peace, joy and wisdom for this new season.
- Finances and grace for traveling with kids as we attend the Burn 24-7 Summit in VA Beach. We will actually be gone for an entire week for a pre-summit (with regional directors) as well as the larger summit.