Kansas City and YWAM Together
Can I just start off by saying how cool God is and the way He orchestrates things so perfectly, even within my blunders and mishaps. I was set to leave on that Friday afternoon and in my beautiful way of getting so many things done, I missed check-in, thus I missed my flight. My only option was to get on another flight the next morning. The beautiful and kind airline employee booked me in on the next flight, without any extra fees (NEVER HAPPENS), and I made my way home to prepare for the next day. EVEN in my blunders he still gets me where he wants me to be.
The week at YWAM Together was Glorious. YWAM Together is our organization’s annual global conference where the entire family can come together and see what the Lord is doing in missions and within our movement. It was the first time I had ever been to anything outside Muizenberg or Kona involving YWAM and only, I think, the fourth YWAM base I have ever visited, so I was super excited to connect to more people. This year was a bit different than any other, because, as I process it more and more, I am realizing how unity was permeating every part of the conference and what the Lord is doing in the body of Christ.
The emphasis of this conference was “Ending Bible Poverty”. Leaders from different leading bible organizations spoke to our group about how close we are to fulfilling the Great commission and getting an accessible bible to every people group on earth. I mean HELLO! Crazy Awesome!!
I went to volunteer with food services and in my time off, attend some of the meetings. The beginning of the week started with me serving breakfast and lunch prep, which called for early mornings, but was worth it, cause I knew my way around the catering process and then I could use the afternoon for breakout sessions.
Within my first day, I was asked to move to the hospitality side and serve in the “green room” area. Although this personally felt a bit more daunting, I was given a chance to meet new people and spend some time with my friend, Lisi, and serve in whatever capacity they needed.
Through it all, the morning and evening sessions, the breakout Sphere sessions, the worship, and the group times, the Lord just kept hitting Unity. The different bible institutes coming together to say “Hey, lets work together to end bible poverty and get bibles to every person”. Mike Bickle from IHOP KC speaking and taking up the task of gathering 1 million intercessors to pray for the bible and missions movement to fulfill the great commission.
Unity between organizations, deeper unity within the prayer and missions movements, and even within my own life, unity within ways of thinking. It was so cool to see and really be apart of. Now, as I settle in Kona, my prayer is to see in what way I can be a part of what the Lord is doing in the nations within this next season.

Had a chance to spend some time with good friends and leaders in Counseling and health care ministry- Friedhelm, Tracey, and Dr. Bruce Thompson
Kona and DTS
I have been back in Kona for four days now and as I sit in this place of “Lord what are you saying and what do you want to do”, I hear him saying over and over “dependency”. I knew when I came back that things would be different. My ministry department is changing, my role on the base is changing, close friends are gone and I am now creating new community. I have new roommates and am giving up my right to have transportation at my disposal, knowing that although helpful, I am learning to be content without it.
As I wait before Jesus, I realize that he is drawing me out of a place of hiding. I was hiding in the security and safety of my YWAM family and the spiritual authority that they carried. I was hiding behind their ability to hear the Lord and make decisions, knowing that if they did, I would not have to. Now he is calling me out and saying “Jenn, I want your total dependency and trust”. So here I sit, after day four of Discipleship Training School Staff training, knowing I can trust in Him. He has never let me down. This is going to be a beautiful and stretching season and I am so excited to walk with these students through it.
**Prayer Requests**
- My friend Tianna is getting ready to deliver a sweet Canadian baby. Pray that her delivery will be smooth and that all will be well with momma and baby.
- Met a fella named Paul this morning from NC and had a chance to pray with him. Hope to see him again tomorrow and please pray that a door will open to share the gospel with him and for him to have healing in his leg.
- That I will fall more and more in Love with Jesus in this next season. More than ever before.
- That I will be able to connect with the students and have intentional and authentic relationship with them. That they would have crazy amazing encounters with Jesus and be completely wrecked by the love of the Father.
- That as the Lord prepares me to lead outreach, I will not get overwhelmed by the process and continue to trust in Him.
- That I will be fully funded for outreach by the time fees are due.
**Praise Reports**
- I feel so welcomed and at home with my new DTS staff family
- I have had some really good opportunities to run or walk in the mornings and my body is waking up for it
- I had an opportunity to pray for a fella this morning from Chapel Hill and ask for healing for an infection in his leg. Hope to see him again tomorrow
- Really good conversation with my momma.
- While I was home, I was able to see almost all of my family except for one. It was the first time in probably three years that I was able to do so.
Read the original newsletter here
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