Dear Friends, the summer has ended. As I look back over the past several months, my heart rejoices from all the great things God has done in our ministry. Below is the chronology of Spring-summer in pictures with enough text to let you know what is on them. I will start with the most recent events.


It was the second baptism this year. Eight more people testified about their faith in Jesus on that glorious day!

Then we had a picnic, where those who were baptized, shared their testimonies.


This summer we did two rafting camps. We did them back to back. The second group started its journey on the river where the first group ended. Every day we went about 15-30 km down the river and stop to camp every night at a new location. We had to find the water and firewood to cook our food. It required some teamwork and was a great time of relationship building.


We also went to some cool places that were close to the river: castle ruins, caves, waterfalls.


We had two weddings this summer: Arthur and Julia (left) and Sasha and Maria (right).


This year children’s camp at Carpathiam Mountains was very special because Elina did not lead it for the first time. She trained a team of new leaders who did a very good job.

After camp-followups. Elina is mentoring a young girl to do follow up with the new believers who came to know the Lord during the Fusion Camp.



Oleg is testing a new electric drum set. Many young people love to learn play drums. This as one of the opportunities to invite them to church. With electric drums now they can practice without interrupting after-church fellowship, listening to their own beat through the earphones.


This was a concert the youth was training for during the Fusion camp. Their family and friends came to see them perform. Many people who just were passing by stopped to listen. They were drawn by the energy and love of the joyful Fusion family.


This year we had the largest Fusion camp ever – almost 90 people. It was amazing to watch God work among the young people. Some came closer to Him and some called His name for salvation for the first time ever.


Four of us joined international mission team and went to Cluj, Romania for 10 days. We did street evangelism in the mornings at the university campus and English Clubs in the evenings. It was a personal challenge that helped us grow and a blessing to watch people hear the Gospel and in several cases, invite Jesus into their lives.



Various young people gatherings: youth, students and young adult. They watch a teaching together and then break into their groups for discussion and application.

I took a group of young adults on a ride to the Carpathian Mountains. There were more than four of us, but because of different fitness levels, our group got separated according to how fast we rode.


Fusion concerts were the highest point and fruit of all the rehearsals since the beginning of the year. Our Fusion was invited by two schools in our neighborhood. As you can see on the pictures, one concert was in a hall and the other was outside. We had a mostly positive response, and one person joined our Fusion. But we also learned that some students were warned to be careful with us because we are a sect. This is typical for Ukraine – evangelicals are viewed by the majority of the population as a cult or a sect. But God continues tho build His church regardless of any lie that satan spreads about the church.

We couldn’t do any of this without you.  Thank you for standing with us!

Click the thumbnail to view the original newsletter (PDF download)

Please help us pray for:

  • Higher rate of involvement it the Discipleship process among those whom we have reached
  • Our own church building
  • End of war in Ukraine