God is Good and we would like to share several highlights of how He allowed us to be the instruments of His goodness.
God has breathed a new fresh wind on our Mountain Mission. The core ministry team has increased. Now it consists of Borys, Nadya, Elina, and Vasyl. And Elina received the team leadership baton from Nadya and Borys.
Below three pictures from the recent trip. The team went into several villages and helped most poor families with the food packages, financial aid spiritual support. They prayed for the sick and needy, demonstrating the Kingdom of God in action.
Our church regularly participates in helping with humanitarian needs at in the war zone at Eastern Ukraine. It is still going on regardless of it not being on your news headlines. Soldiers and civilians are still dying from shelling, land mines or snipers. People who have nowhere to go or have no means to move are still living among the war actions. There people in our church who volunteer to deliver aid into the war zone.
On the picture below we pack humanitarian aid into the boxes.
Fun/Activity day for children in the park near University in Lviv on Saturday. It is allowed by our city government.
A paragraph I borrowed from an article at https://tinyurl.com/ydc2g5wf explains it better than I can:

“…we are taking an advantage of our President officially allowing evangelical churches to do different projects for the city as a part of the celebration of 500 years of reformation. Here is an excerpt from an article that explains it better: As Ukraine strives to build stronger ties with European nations in the West, another door has opened for the growth and unity of the evangelical church. This year marks 500 years since the Protestant Reformation, and Ukraine’s current president has signed an order that Ukraine should celebrate the anniversary on the highest possible level. Of course, this is largely a political move to associate more closely with Western Europe, where many countries have Protestant history.

Regardless of motives, this order has had a couple of positive effects. First, it has opened doors for sharing the gospel, especially in public schools and universities. Each institution is obligated to hold lectures on the Protestant Reformation, and many are open to having Protestant ministers or professors speak on these topics. Second, the order has further unified the evangelical church. Many anniversary-related projects are being planned by a wide variety of cooperating evangelical churches under the label R500.”

Three pictures below show some of what we did along with several other churches in Lviv.
One of our greatest joys continues to watch God working among the young people.

We had a mission trip to Ternopil with our youth helping a local church start the same ministry. It was fun and honor to be on this trip with about 30 teens. Half of them were not even saved and this trip was a great step toward God for them through the deep spiritual conversations with our church teens.

Bunch of photos and videos are here:  https://goo.gl/photos/4orJcPHKbtmqyUF9A

One of the schools in Lviv contacted our youth team and asked to come and do a concert for them. Wow! It happened to us for the first time! We are usually the ones, who go to schools and ask if we can do a concert for them. And many of them say “NO” We also had a concert at one of the schools in Lviv!

Pics and videos are here: https://goo.gl/photos/jfVmzkw4cy1R9Zs49

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