I hope you are doing well and enjoying the beautiful fall weather that has begun to come in! Fall is one of my favorite times of year with the changing leaves, incredible weather and anticipations of the upcoming holidays. Even though that will all look a little different this year, I am excited for the excitement that comes this time of year.

Lynee Sept 2015

As I write this newsletter from Haiti, I am beyond thankful for the grace and faithfulness of God to have brought me back here. It is always difficult saying goodbye to relationships and the comforts of everyday life but I am incredible expectant for the things that God is going to do, both in and through me these next couple of months.

Lynee Sept 2015I was very thankful to arrive on a Friday and to have a few days where things were pretty slow to allow myself to adjust to the new food and new [very hot] weather! I was able to spend some time at the orphanage the last few days and especially enjoyed loving on some 3 days old twins that had been brought there after their mother died giving birth to them. They have a long road ahead of them but they are healthy and incredibly sweet and in a place they will be well taken care of.Lynee Sept 2015

This week will be the first where I can really jump in and begin to establish a normal routine. My mornings and early afternoons will be spent at the free medical clinic offered to the community where I will be running and organizing the pharmacy. In the afternoon, I will help some of the younger children with homework as well as helping to lead a women’s Bible Study on Tuesday evenings. Once I have a routine down and am comfortable in all of the things that I’m doing, I also plan on helping to lead the morning devotional with the patients at the clinic a few times a week. I am excited to be able to see how all of my gifts and passions and experiences will come together to bless the people and serve the mission here.

Thank you so much for your faithfulness in giving to send me into the nations. I could not be here without your partnership and, together, we are going to see God bring forth much fruit in these coming months!

Prayer Requests

*Pray for a smooth transition as I adapt to normal life here in Haiti

*Pray for open doors to minister to the people

*Pray for grace as I live so far away from friends

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