Greetings dear friends!
I hope this message finds each of you doing well in the wonderful grace of God!
As the 2023 academic year for our partner school in Wonji-Shoa comes to an end I want to give you an update on the great year that we had as well as about our expansion plans for 2024. Below are a few bulleted highlights of 2023.
-Ranked number one in our region and in the highest tier nationally in National Entrance Exam passing rates.
-Through partner funding we were able to provide lunch and breakfast for 300 of our nursery and kindergarten students.
-Empowered our teachers through trainings and site visits to other area schools for observation, learning and sharing best practices.
-Increased favor and recognition in our community due to student performance, added facilities, community service and our feeding program.
-Purchased additional books for our library.
-Enhanced our environment by planing trees on our school grounds.
-Addition of a new bathroom facility.
-Improvement in overall student performance.
-Teachers offering volunteer tutoring after school.
-Continued effective cultivation of parental and community involvement.
It’s been amazing to see the growth and impact of our partner school since we built our first classrooms sixteen years ago. Many of our original students are now graduating from university and are beginning their careers. During my last visit to the school I was able to spend time with one of our students (pictured below) who began with us in KG and is now a teacher at the school! This past year we had one of the highest national exam scores in the country. The lives of the students, their families and the community are being impacted through our character base curriculum, our feeding and outreach programs and our facilities including the only multi-purpose athletic court in the region.
As our partner school in Wonji-Shoa continues to grow, so does our need for the expansion of our facilities. We are now serving 1032 students from KG-12th grade. To accommodate the current growth in our high school we need to build three new classrooms for the 2024 academic year. The total cost for constructing these classrooms is currently $47,000. We currently have $6800 and to need to raise an additional $40,200.
We are thankful for all that has been accomplished over the years by Gods grace and your faithful partnerships and we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead! I want to ask each of you to please pray for us concerning this upcoming construction project and to please consider contributing financially to help make this needed expansion possible.
We are excited about what’s happening in and through our partner school and would love to share our story. Please let me know if you, your family and friends, church, small group, business or civic organization would like to hear more about the impact that our school is making as well as our other projects in Ethiopia, I would love to come share!
Thank you and may the Lord bless you!

If you would like to make a one time contribution or to become a monthly partner of our partner school, please visit us at https://www.