Big Changes Coming Our Way…

I hope this e-mail finds you well and staying cool while enjoying the wonderful changes that come with summer and (hopefully) a little bit more of a relaxed pace.

As I talked about in my last newsletter, this season brought many changes to my life here in Haiti. While the rest of the mission is still in the south of Haiti (but coming back soon!), Abeline and I are down in Carries with a few of our teen girls and the hotel staff. It has been a huge transition for both of us having her here full time- figuring out a routine, jumping into homeschooling to help get her caught up and learning how each other works. It has been very rewarding but also incredibly difficult- as any of you who have adopted can imagine. While I have known her more than half her life, I have never been her primary caregiver so it marks a massive shift in the relationship which is so good but also can be very tricky and take a long time.

The last 4 years I have been very blessed to live at Ocean View and have all of my needs taken care of by such a great staff but with the transition to Abeline being with me full time, I have prayed and decided it is time to take another big step. After many months of praying and speaking with Ms Lynn and Kim to get their blessing, I can officially announce: WE ARE MOVING!

I want to clarify: I am STILL very much a part of Mission of Grace! My role will shift as I am not living on site anymore but I will still be here at the mission several days a week and completing my sponsorship/admin work from my own home as Abeline and I bond and attach and become a family. It is a big step that I know will be full of a lot of difficulties but I am covered by an incredible peace that can only come from God- this girl who hates change with every fiber of her being is excited to jump into this new change head first!

Where Are We Moving?

Abeline and I will be moving about 30 min down the road. A couple who has become good friends of mine the last few years (and have been in Haiti 7 years) will be taking a year long furlough but are keeping their house for when the move back so I will be staying there and helping to watch over their house/take care

of their animals along with another missionary coming to serve a nearby mission for 1 year. The house is in a neighborhood with several other Americans nearby and is very close to the hospital where Abeline gets her regular labs done which helps so much!

How Can You Help?

While I will be staying at a friend’s house which has most of what I will need on a day to day basis, they will still travel back and forth throughout the year so they won’t be packing up their entire house (I definitely can’t blame them- that’s a lot of work!). In order to help me best organize and not take over their entire house, I have created an Amazon wish list with some items that would be a huge blessing in this transition- and they are all items which will be a big help in any future home.

The wishlist is set up with the address to ship items- a container will be packed in FL to leave for Haiti June 28th so all items need to arrive no later than June 27th.

If you would like to make an extra financial donation instead as I make this transition, you can do through regular giving or via PayPal:

A Big Need

Now that I am living off-site, having a vehicle would be an incredible blessing and provide me the opportunity to travel to and from the mission each week without using public transportation which is not always the most reliable. If you would like to donate towards the cost of a vehicle, you can do so through regular giving or via PayPal.


Please pray for an incredibly smooth transition with Abeline as we make yet another big change. Pray for us to be able to bond as a family and get into a routine that allows her to continue to grow and thrive and stay healthy. Please continue to pray for God to open doors for us to be able to travel to the US soon!


To learn more about Adriane and how you can support her missionary work financially, please visit How To Give.