We also had several teams in a few short weeks, many of them coming the same day the team before them left. I love being able to work with so many teams and seeing the different gifts and abilities and passions and talents that they bring to the mission. In a place that can sometimes become very lonely due to a lack of consistent friendships, these teams continue to breath life and encouragement and community into my days.
As many of you may have seen, there has been quite a bit of unrest in the nation of Haiti these last few weeks. It seems as though Haiti is always one political decision away from chaos but it was definitely a different experience being there in the midst of everything falling apart. While we were safe, we had to stay inside the hotel compound for multiple days as roadblocks occurred right outside of our gates and everything was very unknown and unsure. We were unable to get into the city for multiples days are were very thankful when we were able to restock food and fuel for the mission. We have also had some unrest within our own community, though much of it happening at night. Pray for our community, that people would experience peace and comfort when surrounded by things that could easily breed anxiety and fear.

Planning for this year

It has been nearly 1 year since I have been back to TN to visit friends and partners and taken the time to rest and fundraise. With a break in our team schedule, I decided to plan a last minute trip back to TN for a few weeks in August and September. While I am here, I will be taking some time to rest, plan and reset for this upcoming year (September is when our year really gears up again) while also doing some traveling and fundraising.
While I am here in these coming weeks, I will be spending time meeting with people and sharing about my work in Haiti. I need an additional $500 in monthly partnership. Would you consider becoming a monthly partner or increasing your existing partnership? You can do so by giving here.

Please pray that my time in the states is both productive and restful and that I would be able to go back with fresh vision and inspiration for this upcoming season. Pray for all the students in our community as they begin preparing for this upcoming school year. And please pray for peace and stability for Haiti.
To learn more about Adriane and how you can support her missionary work financially, please visit How To Give.